Sep 23, 2012

#33 Jobbesian

Of or relating to a job seeker's "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short" attempt to find gainful employment in a depressed economy.

The real world, as Taylor observed, was nothing like college. First of all, there were not nearly as many Bob Marley posters around. Sure, the real world had libraries, food courts, and fitness centers. But, the libraries were filled with the homeless and unemployed. The food courts usually weren't in walking distance from where you lived and they didn't accept your student ID as a legitimate form of payment. And, fitness centers in the real world had way too many people over the age of 19. Again, your student ID got you nowhere. It was as worthless as the plastic it was fabricated from in Guangzhou. Worst of all, food and shelter aren't just there when you show up. You have to actually participate in what Taylor recalls his economics professor calling the "labor market." And this wasn't your typical labor market. It was positively jobbesian. Prospects for college grads were less than favorable, especially if you had a degree in American Auteur Theory Studies, as Taylor did. And on your resume, which disappointingly was not multiple choice, you couldn't even list your best accomplishments, like earning a Brigadier General III badge by getting to level 57 on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 for Xbox.

Root = job + Hobbesian

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