Sep 3, 2012

#13 Outsorcerying

Outsourcing of wizardry, witchcraft, and sorcery labor.

The sorcery business was not what it used to be, admitted Gandalf the White in an off-the-record interview with Greta Van Susteren. High sorcery gains tax rates, over regulation of the spell-casting sector, and the unsustainable pension plans of the warlock unions were making America bad for sorcery, he said. "I left the old world, Middle-earth, because America was a land of opportunity that rewarded wizardry instead of punishing it. But now America is stifling innovation in the magic arts." Gandalf drew heavily from his pipe and puffed out a smoke ring that morphed into a pie chart showing a large percentage of the annual earnings of a top crystal ball firm going toward labor costs. The great wizard arched his left brow and leaned in toward Greta. In a hushed voice, he said, "I won't name names, but a very reputable enchantress has already begun outsorcerying magic wand production to an operation in Guangzhou that offers the right mix of labor costs and tax incentives that her firm needs to stay competitive."

1 comment:

  1. Greta would never have landed Gandalf without the face job.
